CBPOA Newsletter
Spring 2023

President's Report
Hello to the Clearwater Beach community.
We are delighted to welcome spring after the perhaps too-quiet and peaceful winter on the Reservation, and we look forward to a pleasant and busy summer. Our directors and advisers, all volunteers, have been working over the winter to prepare our facilities for our members.
Below are a few updates of ongoing activities as the Reservation prepares for summer, along with a preview of events.
Reservation Facilities Updates:
- The late fall rainstorms flooded the bocce court, and its repair is on schedule.
- New picnic area tables and benches are on order for spring delivery.
- New sand will be spread over the children’s playground.
- New gravel is being installed as touch-ups.
- Brush is being removed and the landscaping is being cleaned up in preparation for the flowers and bushes.
- Sun Country has been retained to perform all landscaping, mowing and beautification of the grounds as well as general maintenance support.
- The sand from the December dredging of the channel has been spread over the beach.
- The marina has some new pilings, and it weathered the winter well, thanks to our ice monitor, Chris Scola.
- The boat slips and paddle-craft racks are ready for the April 15 opening of the marina.
- The sun shed is scheduled for rebuilding by Memorial Day (fingers-crossed).
- Our favorite security guards, Jim and Gabe, will return for another season of weekend service.
- Our handyman, Paul Trela, will return for another season of his knowledgeable and courteous service.
- Private parties at the picnic area may be reserved via our CBPOA Secretary, Gary Grille.
- Swimming: Last August was the first time we simply could not keep a lifeguard staff, due to the unavailability of qualified candidates. That situation, which has plagued all of the area beaches, continues. As of this writing our lifeguard adviser Jon Tarbet continues to recruit and is cautiously optimistic.
Events Schedule:
Please mark your calendars for the following activities on the Reservation this summer. If you have ideas for other activities or would like to get involved with planning, you may contact Roey Ficaro, the CBPOA Board Activity Adviser. Roey can be reached at [email protected].
- Taco Truck Fridays and perhaps another food truck Saturdays Annual Summer Party. This will be held July 15.
- Nature Walks & Talks are being organized by volunteer Judy Freeman.
- Yoga: Roey Ficaro will resume the magical sunset yoga sessions on Tuesday evenings, beginning May as well as morning yoga sessions on Fridays at 10am beginning June.
- Women on Water (WoW): Roey will also be organizing The WoW group again this year and will have a kick-off meeting in May. Anyone interested in joining can contact Roey at [email protected]
- Story Salon East at Clearwater: Steve Sobel will again moderate this storytelling event as he has for the past four years. Seven people “telling” for seven minutes, and you’ve got an hour of midweek fun. Dates and time to follow soon. Anyone interested in participating can contact Steve at [email protected].
- Children’s S’mores Night to be scheduled for August.
- Children’s Fishing Contest to be scheduled for early September.
As new homeowners begin to discover our neighborhood and start building or updating, there is a real need to make sure they abide by our Covenants and Restrictions. In this issue we have included information that all homeowners in Clearwater need to know. Please take the time to read it and appreciate that these guidelines are what make our community unique and valuable.
And while perusing this newsletter you will note the delicious and easy recipes from our volunteer Phyllis Italiano.
Our CBPOA board is comprised of volunteers who selflessly give of their time to keep our neighborhood and beach/marina reservation in the inviting condition that it is in. We always welcome the expertise and thoughtful effort of volunteers. We hope to utilize the results of surveys that we sent to the membership as to how best to plan for our future. A well-maintained beach and marina and recreational facilities not only give pleasure to the community; they help maintain high property values for us all. Our Board of Directors meet on the first Monday of each month, currently at 5:00 pm, and all members are welcome to attend.
As the days get longer and the setting sun seems brighter and larger, you can almost feel the warm salty air on those long summer days and nights. Welcome to our 2023 season!
Best Wishes,
Dan Aharoni, President, CBPOA